Who Killed Duolingo? is a city-wide campaign to help re-awaken the passion for language learning within old users of Duolingo. The campaign allows users to refresh their language learning journey and carry on from where they left off.

At Blak Labs, Singapore, I supported art directors on diverse projects, creating motion graphics, animations for social media, and case videos. Additionally, I crafted campaign concepts, social media content, and design outcomes. The fast paced environment allowed me to learn and grow under an exceptional boss and mentor.
Here are some of the social media posts that I animated

UI Design
at the first
Clue Stop

UI Design at the first Clue Stop

Home Page

Home Page

Campaign Menu

Campaign Menu

Game Play

Game Play

Clue Stops
Some of the AR clue stops that will be placed at various locations in Botanic Gardens

Clue Stops
Some of the AR clue stops that will be placed at various locations in Botanic Gardens

